Recent content by Zzippy

  1. Zzippy

    Ban Appeals - Please post here

    Wow, never had it! No idea at all, only weapons I've used were Winchester, Lee Ed. and a pistol - oh yea a hatchet too! But I'm sure you're aware there was a Tank at Cherno at this time as well as two UH-1 helos causing havoc everywhere, so maybe those hackers messed up the script... I don't...
  2. Zzippy

    Ban Appeals - Please post here

    1. Zzippy 2. 00:59:56 (03.02.2013) DayZ-2017, Shinkickers Digs Server 3. I was killed in Cherno gathering gear after a new spawn when I was shot and killed by either a chopper or someone with a a heavy machine gun up high... :eek:. Re-spawned in Kamenka, started heading North while escaping...