well, it only took a year from the post above for this to almost happen! lol
ooh, a map I haven't tried to get running. Where did you download from? Looks like I downloaded cell a long time ago but I have a few copies not sure which is the latest. I suggest dayzmod 190, turn off towngen and all the cherno things, then add ESSV3. I assume the building classnames are...
I love arma2+dayzmod! this is what I was told recently on the dayzmod discord in reply to my guide that says to use a symlink from \arma2oa\addons to arma2\addons
ebayShopper - 01/19/2018
@skigoggles launching the server with "-mod=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma...
a while ago someone told me to symlink \arma2oa\addons\ to arma2\addons
and then I just use -mod=@DayZ;@Hive
recently I heard that's whats causing a minor error I've had in the RPT forever and that I should use:
assuming arma2 installed in C:\arma2
what @FallingSheep said. from 189 to 190 config.sqf was split off from init.sqf and you can't mix/match server/mission files across versions.
pwnzers is a great starting point and I used it myself in the beginning but if you can install xampp, you can install mysql.
Not to make it more...
i'm not aware that it depends on a certain version of mysql. I downloaded the latest from the mysql website for the server I built a couple of weeks ago.
you should also edit config.sqf to match your server, with dayZ_instance being the most important value to set.
Those errors look like a Db config issue. thats in hiveext.ini or maybe you didn't start mysql? can't tell exactly.
oops, that was from some mod fixes for 189. Its dayz_code\loot\init.sqf
with this line
_cfgGroups = (configFile >> "CfgLoot" >> "Groups");
changed to this line
_cfgGroups = (missionConfigFile >> "CfgLoot" >> "Groups");
I'm not an epoch export but the errors tell me your Db is the wrong version. Looking in the epoch github I don't see this table or column
Table 'dayz_epoch.banking_data' doesn't exist
Unknown column 'CashMoney' in 'field list ['INSERT INTO `Character_DATA`]
googling the references I see to...
yeah, I've used Ixxo too. Not sure which are which now, but I have the northern zone, kras, novy, dichina, svet, one between cherno/balota and cherno docks. DZAI too.
I want to say hardware. maybe a disk corruption?
the other things to mention is that in vanilla there is this code in pCleanup()
#remove damaged vehicles older than vehicle_spawns.CleanupTime
DELETE FROM object_data
WHERE CharacterID = 0
AND Damage = 1
AND SYSDATE() > DATE(last_updated) + INTERVAL (
Silly to mention it, but I assume you have restarts every 3-6 hours.
Also, you say vanilla but also mention "roaming AI". Which romaing AI package are you using? I've used DZAI for years and never had that problem. I'm thinking some script issue eating memory, creating objects, something like that.
This was for 189, so hopefully it works for 190 but I haven't tried it.
quick tutorial:
1) make a fixes directory in the mission
2) You'll need a custom compiles.sqf and change "call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\Lootinit.sqf";"
3) Make a local copy of lootinit.sqf and change...
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