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  1. J

    Spawn and despawn untits, also loot on spawned units

    Hi, I use to spawn units from server-side scripts like _guards = [1,grpNull,_spawnPos,objNull,0] call DZAI_setup_AI; ...with DZAI 1.9.2. This should spawn 1 AI on _spawnPos with loadout 0 - and it actually does. However, the guy spawns with primary weapon and empty backpack only. Sometimes...
  2. J

    Loot boxes using DZAI loot tables?

    Can be in one line. Leave the comments tho.
  3. J

    Loot boxes using DZAI loot tables?

    Sorry, I'm still running Will update to 1.9.2 Monday.
  4. J

    Loot boxes using DZAI loot tables?

    illusions, the process is pretty good documented in the files ...\DZAI\init\world_map_configs\custom_markers\cust_markers_tavi.sqf and ...\DZAI\init\world_map_configs\custom_spawns\cust_spawns_tavi.sqf ...\DZAI\init\world_map_configs\custom_markers\cust_markers_tavi.sqf _this = createMarker...
  5. J

    blacklist format

    I guess you have to create a marker in ...\DZAI\init\world_map_configs\custom_markers\cust_markers_chernarus.sqf
  6. J

    Loot boxes using DZAI loot tables?

    Buttface, when I spawn AI with like _spawnPos = _position; _spawnPos set [2,0]; guards = [1,grpNull,_spawnPos,objNull,0] call DZAI_setup_AI; AI kills don't score as bandit kills and thus don't give humanity. Is this by intent? Is there a way to change this?
  7. J

    Prevent AI to loot boxes

    Hi, is there a chance to prevent AI to take stuff from boxes? I scripted some sort of bandit fortress and evenry now and then special loot boxes (weapons, ammo, ...) spawn with a heap of AI. Players are informed by global message. Although it's sometimes fun to hunt the last AI who took the...