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  1. J

    Zed Nuker script

    Thanks Fox. Sorry for the delayed response. Can I just add this in the the nuker where it looks like this: _entity_array = (getPos _nuker) nearEntities ["CAManBase",_radius]; { if (_x isKindof "zZombie_Base") then { _x setDamage 1...
  2. J

    Zed Nuker script

    Sarge, I have a about half a dozen zed nukes. My real question is this: Is there a way to despawn or delete AI that come into the domes. in a way that works with the Zed Nuker? My nukes and my domes are set to the same Coordinates. I have have everything working except the AI are raiding...
  3. J

    SARGES AI v Protected Domes

    So I have SARGES on my server but I also have several domes all over the map and would like to know where to modify the dome script to delete Bandit or Hero AI when they try and enter the dome. Right now I have removed them from the grid but they still wander in from other grids. // Base...
  4. J

    SQF to Beidi or SQF to SQL?

    We noticed a huge jump in frame rates. We were down to 12ish for most players and now up to around 28 for most. I also noticed that the load time takes about 10 seconds longer than it did before on server restart but thats not bad. We have over 3500 new buildings.
  5. J

    SQF to Beidi or SQF to SQL?

    I do have one more question then ... If I want to merge sqf files to one file and have the id numbers matching up like so: _vehicle_1 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["Land_HBarrier_large", [3268.7246, 14231.601, -0.00082429405], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; execVM_1 = _this...
  6. J

    SQF to Beidi or SQF to SQL?

    You are awesome sir!
  7. J

    SQF to Beidi or SQF to SQL?

    Where do I reference the files though? What file in the server.pbo?
  8. J

    SQF to Beidi or SQF to SQL?

    I have a bunch of SQF files for my mission.pbo but I am getting to a 3MB file and was going to move the custom buildings portion to the server but I have to have SQL formating. I found the Bliss converter( but I do not have the Beidi files as the person that made...
  9. J

    A Little Help With Objects

    I dont think so. The Firehouse in Cherno is labeled as a firehouse but the one in a custom base is labeled a house. Also the base building wont allow players to build as it says they are indoors even when they are in the middle of a field. Thank though Doppelganger. I thought of that too.
  10. J

    A Little Help With Objects

    I am an admin on a newer Dayz server and we have noticed that all buildings in the world have been labeled as house. we are running the auto refuel and repair script, lift and tow, heli crash sites, self blood, custom load screen, sarges AI, blur anti hack, debug moniter, parts removal...