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  1. T

    Deploy Bike help please

    You sir, are my new best friend :D
  2. T

    Deploy Bike help please

    and because its the only version available on this host, ima change to a new one or make my own server box at the end of this one
  3. T

    Deploy Bike help please

    ima try my hardest to look into doing this myself, (gotta learn some how :D) if i get stuck im sure i'll shoot you a message
  4. T

    Deploy Bike help please

    walking zombies = impossible for a retard like myself to install lol, i struggle with a simple deploy bike script, can't find anythin on walking zombies for 1.8.1
  5. T

    Deploy Bike help please

    Scratch that, seems my code is slightly different and doesnt direct you to any 'Dayz_attackRange' instead just gave me a number, so im going to test changing that number and see what happens
  6. T

    Deploy Bike help please

    i've managed to move the variables from my dayz_code\init\variables.sqf into dayz_private_1.chernarus and changed the init.sqf to: call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\variables.sqf"; Now i opened up my variables file, and it seems i am missing that bit of code you managed to find...
  7. T

    Deploy Bike help please

    last question hopefully for a while lol, would i use: compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\variables.sqf"; or call compile preprocessfile "custom\variables.sqf";
  8. T

    Deploy Bike help please

    i do't have the variables file in my mission pbo yet, would i transfer it from dayz code to my mission pbo like i did with fnc_selfactions for sarge ai etc?
  9. T

    Deploy Bike help please

    Yay... After taking a look at the files, every individual bloody file, i found another Server file and tried that one, and it seems to be good now :D thanks for the help blanks. I don't suppose you could possibly take a look in the 1.8.1 files and see how i could go about changing the zombies...
  10. T

    Deploy Bike help please

    haha :D, taking a look at my server files now to see what the heck is going on.
  11. T

    Deploy Bike help please

    Might have to bite the bullet and just build a server rig as I have no use for my cash at the moment
  12. T

    Deploy Bike help please

    Hmm kinda annoying how the scripts are fine yet still kills me >.< stupid ass nitrado, I'll take a look at the server when I get in to see what's going on, as for the cow thing, man that sounds awesome, IDE love to try that out when you share it :)
  13. T

    Deploy Bike help please

    Using nitrado, my PBO's are in the dropbox links in my post before.
  14. T

    Deploy Bike help please Tried with the Same Variables, still the same outcome, death upon trying to ride the bike. Sorry if i seem irritable, just getting so damn frustrated with...
  15. T

    Deploy Bike help please - Cleanup - Deploy You'll notice that the Setvariable is different between the two, but ive tested with them both the same, so just went with getting the AI to work correctly first.
  16. T

    Deploy Bike help please

    think ima just give up on this, seems like you said its an epoch script, so wont work for my server...
  17. T

    Deploy Bike help please

    I really don't want to seem like a pain in the ass, but my files are identical to yours now, i did it all myself following exactly what you instructed, but the servers still killing me. would this be anything to do with infistar? or am i just plain retarded.... heres what my RPT says upon death...
  18. T

    Deploy Bike help please

    if i allready have Sarge AI on the server, would i still add another (vehicle _x getVariable [""SafeVehicle"",0] != 1)) or would i edit the existing one with ""sarge"" in it?
  19. T

    Deploy Bike help please

    I'm using the [AUR]Ace Deploy/pack bike script, heres a link to the install guide, has the download for the script etc:
  20. T

    Deploy Bike help please

    i've looked into what you have suggested, went to the section in the server_cleanup, but in my RPT it doesnt give me any errors or restrictions ect, so i have no idea what i replace the _this with?