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  1. J

    Han's admin tool

    So, I am quite new to running a server. I have installed self bb and tinkered with a few things. While asking around about admin tools, a guy installed one for me, and it works for the most part. There are two main issues I can't seem to fix, and the only advice given to me so far is...
  2. J

    [Release] pick spawn and loadout

    6. In your BattlEye setvariable.txt add this to line 1: where do i find this? i dont see anything about battleye in mission or server.pbo
  3. J

    Krixes - Self Bloodbag Script

    Tried this last night, seemed to work great, but now I notice locked cars and safes cannot be unlocked, any advice?
  4. J

    Self Blood Bag

    Tried this last night, seemed to work great, but now I notice locked cars and safes cannot be unlocked, any advice?