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  1. Kerozen

    Need help setting up Custom Loadout spawns for donators.

    The server im working on is a Epoch server from Vilayers and i dont have cust_loadout_profile and cust_loadout tables. How can i do it without it?
  2. Kerozen

    [Help] - Preconfigured R3F Logistics (Towing and Heli-Lift) ABANDONED

    I have the same problems. Is there anyway to fix this?
  3. Kerozen

    Changing the starting skin?

    how do i do this for only one player? can i use this? if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["ID"]) then { if (!(_model in ["Survivor3_DZ","Sniper1_DZ","Soldier1_DZ","Camo1_DZ","BanditW1_DZ","Bandit1_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ"])) then { _model = ["Sniper1_DZ","Soldier1_DZ","Camo1_DZ"] select floor...
  4. Kerozen

    Add Vehicles In Map With Editor (and then, do it working!)

    Thanks so much, it worked for me!
  5. Kerozen

    [Release] Fred's Dead Player Journal (Study Body Replacement)

    Is there any way to make the Hint box show up in the top middle of the screen?
  6. Kerozen

    Vilayer Epoch - Ammo Supply Box Loot

    I have indestructible bases so that is probably why. Is there anyway to make an exception to allow to retrieve loot from the boxes and ore?
  7. Kerozen

    Vilayer Epoch - Ammo Supply Box Loot

    Recently we found a ammo supply box on our server so we broke it but we were not able to retrieve anything from the box. Does anyone else have this problem? The same happens with the Ore veins.
  8. Kerozen

    Deployable bike, scroll wheel issue

    On my server players are getting killed when they ride the bike. Help me out plz