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  1. S

    [Tutorial] Custom Loot Tables and Adjusting Spawn Rates

    I might be mistaken, but the Desert Eagle... Don't know if it's able to spawn in regular DayZ, no idea regarding Epoch.
  2. S

    Weapon Caches Disappearing

    if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["CZBasicWeapons_EP1", [6822.0322, 2498.6736, -9.5367432e-007], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle_2106 = _this; _this setPos [6822.0322, 2498.6736, -9.5367432e-007]; }; Try this... if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["CZBasicWeapons_EP1"...
  3. S

    Ammo crates spawn problem

    We got it working, moving problem is fixed. But they still spawn empty, is there a way to keep the gear that's standard in the caches?
  4. S

    Ammo crates spawn problem

    The moving can it have something to do with the world space? This is the world space of my first crate. [113.03,[3726.67,5967.05]]
  5. S

    Weapon Caches Disappearing

    class cleanup_objects { name = "cleanup_objects"; //init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"_missionObjs = allMissionObjects ""ReammoBox"";" \n "//_qty = count _missionObjs;" \n ""// \n "diag_log (""CLEANUP:TOTAL "" + str(_qty) + "" LOOT BAGS"");" \n "" \n...
  6. S

    Ammo crates spawn problem

    Still the same problem. Dont know what's wrong... i followed that tutorial. I added the boxes in the editor and then added them to the database with the cords given by the editor. I'm stuck, they keep moving to the middle of the map empty.
  7. S

    Ammo crates spawn problem

    I already did that, i have it all setup at Green Mountain. Database works fine. They spawn at the location given in the database, but they just move when server starts. So maybe its my server cleanup acting up. So ill give that a try :)
  8. S

    Ammo crates spawn problem

    That must be the reason why it keeps moving my boxes :) Because i changed nothing in my server clean up.
  9. S

    Ammo crates spawn problem

    Did you also edit this? Then Server/system/server_cleanup.fsm And find this line: Code: "Check for Ammobox" \n " {" \n "if(!(_x isKindOf ""WeaponHolder"")) then {" \n "diag_log (""CLEANUP: DELETING AN AMMOBOX "" + (typeOf _x));" \n "deleteVehicle _x;" \n "};" \n "} forEach allMissionObjects...
  10. S

    Weapon Caches Disappearing

    How did you scripted them in? Cuz i have some major problems with those ammocrates.
  11. S

    Ammo crates spawn problem

    At certain locations on our server we are spawning ammo crates and random stuff for players to find. But if i look at the .RPT file, everything is moved to a random location and made empty. If tryed everything and im stuck at the moment. This is what i already had scripted in. USVehicleBox_EP1...
  12. S

    [Tutorial] Custom Loot Tables and Adjusting Spawn Rates

    At first glance this seemed to work just fine, at closer inspection i found at that there spawns lootpiles wherever possible in every building. I can't find anything in CfgBuildingLoot.hpp, CfgBuildingPos.hpp, variables.sqf or building_spawnLoot.sqf that would give lootpiles a 100% chance. This...