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  1. N

    Does This Work with DayZ OverPoch?

    Title says it all.
  2. N

    Glad to see it Added

    So a while ago I made a post regarding the AI helicopter patrols. I suggested that when they crashed, loot would spawn around the wreck. I was scrolling through the change log of 2.1 today and saw this; "AI air vehicles destroyed by collision damage now also eject crew and generate loot." I am...
  3. N

    Plans to hand over development?

    Hi Buttface. I was just wondering if you are giving someone else the permission to update DZAI? It would be sad to see such a great addon go to waste. Thank you.
  4. N

    Why :(

    It is such a shame that you have to stop development of DZAI, this was hands down, the best AI addon for DayZ I have ever used. Thank you for creating such magnificent moments in DayZ with this mod. Wish you didn't have to stop development though :/
  5. N

    How do I Increase Zombie Health?

    Hello all. I am making the zombies walk on my server, but to make it more balanced, I want to double their spawn limits, damage and health. I have finished changing the damage and spawn limit but I don't know what to edit to increase their health. Does anyone know how to do this? Thank you.
  6. N

    [SOLVED] DayZ Namalsk Compatibility?

    Hello all. I was just wondering if DZAI was compaitable with normal DayZ_Namalsk. Does anyone know if it is or not, and if it is, is it automatically detected? Thank you.
  7. N

    Do AI Steal Vehicles?

    Hello all. I was wondering if the AI are capable of stealing vehicles that are parked and drive off with them. Thank you.
  8. N

    AI Helicopter Crashes Spawn Loot

    Hello all. Would it be possible to make it so that when an AI helicopter has been shot down that when it touches the ground it spawns loot from the helicopter crash tables? Thank you.