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  1. V

    [SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

    I need BE-filters please....Have V.0.9 THX
  2. V

    Have a problen.... i put the breath.sqf in my dayz_private_1.epoch.napf

    doobreath = { private ["_pos", "_ps", "_this", "_near"]; sleep random 2; _pos = _this selectionposition "neck"; while {_this distance player < 800 and alive _this and vehicle _this == _this and _pos select 2 != 0} do { _pos = _this selectionposition "neck"; _ps =...
  3. V

    Have a problen.... i put the breath.sqf in my dayz_private_1.epoch.napf

    it works, i can see the breath in my face, but in .rtp are this lines... What can i do???? 11:31:48 Bad conversion: array 11:31:48 Error in expression <wn { while {true} do { sleep 5; _near = nearestobjects [player, ["Man"], 500]; {> 11:31:48 Error position: <nearestobjects [player...
  4. V

    Mission und Serverfiles für Napf dayz Epoch1.0.4

    Hi hab hier mal selber was gemacht.vieleicht kann das noch jemand optimieren... danke. Auf meinem server läuft es...IP: ...aber es geht bestimmt noch besser.