Search results

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    US264 Epoch v1.0.3.1 - Hosted by Adrenaline Gaming

    Adrenaline Gaming - US264 Private Hive Epoch, beta patch 103718 Active Anti-Hacks, Roaming AI, Missions, Safe Zones w/ anti-AI script, 300 vehicles Our website is If you are interested in joining our server, IP: We have a TS3 server with an...
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    Suicide Script Confirmation

    The current suicide script is perfect for doing exactly what it is intended for. Is there a possible way to add a confirmation to that? Perhaps another scroll wheel option saying "Confirm" and "Back out"?
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    Map with grey boxes

    When I start my server up, it shows they grey boxes over the North West Airfield, North East Airfield, Electro, Cherno, and all along the coast. I have no idea how to turn it off. Can any of you assist me with locating it?
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    Trader script interruption

    Hello, first post on Open DayZ. This forum has helped me a lot with my server development, props to you guys. I am currently having issues with interrupting trader transactions. I have seen it on other servers, but I cannot figure out how it works to what I should do to get it working. Hope...