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  1. T

    Rifle butt Attack?

    Hey there! Was poking arounf armaholic for some new scripts when I came across this.... i'm a complete noob when it comes to scripting...but how hard would it be it integrate this into a dayz server? and if possible...would anyone be able to explain...
  2. T

    How to add new traders to Epoch?

    Hello there! I've been poking around here and the epoch forums as well and haven't came across any real tutorial on how to go about adding in a new trader to the world and getting them all setup...Would anyone be able to possibly explain the process for me and others who might be interested?
  3. T

    Adding in ShowClass script to epoch?

    Hey there! Not really sure how to go about doing this myself, so I figured I' ask and see if anyone else knew... I'd like to see class names of weapons in game, so I could figure out which ones to add to the traders, and have found a script on armaholic that does somehting like that...