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  1. B

    Arma3 Epoch - Finally!

    Can I join in, i have found myself with a lot of time at the moment lol
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    Napf scripts help pls

    What are you looking for mate?
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    [SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

    Ok I am Back Wadda miss lol Doing a Tavi 0.16 build at the moment. Rolling, I think your problem maybe that you didn't drop the hiveExt.dll into the server side. it doesn;t appear to be part of the GIThub
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    Modifying deploy bike - Wall glitching

    Further development of this. But still no luck, anyone? private ["_nearbase"]; _nearbase = (count(nearestObjects [_position,["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"],50]) > 0);///distance to a base if (dayz_combat == 1) then { cutText [format["You are in Combat and cannot build a bike."], "PLAIN DOWN"]; if...
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    [SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

    Yes. I never understood the inventry nul events. If your not carefull. i.e. stating WHERE classname= something. Then it will delete basically anything that has an empty inventory. Including walls etc. Ususally this is a left over from dayz vanilla for say tents.
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    [Support] DZMS DayZ Mission System

    Usually you can just add playSound "your soundfile" early in the script or where tou have the mission message and then add it to the mission.sqm under sounds. Sorry on the mobile.
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    [SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

    The pack has never been advertised as working directly with inifistar infact the official release thread states as such. People have been using the pack with infistar and they have done this themselves. Infistar is good however everytime he releases an updates its pretty much going to conflict...
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    [SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

    Essconfig is in the server side in the init. Sorry different brave sir robin.
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    Disable or edit hide body action

    The buryhuman script is the one for me.
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    make the player's body disappear immediately after death?

    If they are doing this then just remove tue weapon.
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    Excuse me while I vent .. asshat lazy players

    Just do what i did. added wepaons to the traders but they have to find the ammo.
  12. B

    Disable or edit hide body action

    Curiously I have found that the dayz_code directly from my up to date files contain: PVCDZ_obj_HideBody in both of the publicEH and the variables. however my custom variables for epoch contains PVDZE_plr_HideBody in the variables.
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    Disable or edit hide body action

    ok So I want this gone..... lol. in dayz_code > init >publicEH.sqf it is defined on line 6 "PVCDZ_obj_HideBody" addPublicVariableEventHandler {hideBody (_this select 1)}; This simply just calls the arma 2 hidebody and doesn't call anything etc. Though to fix this normally you would do...
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    [SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

  15. B

    SelfAction Disable/Enable grass need help

    Probably the easieist way to do it. For reference my code would look like this: //Desativar grama _Grass = cursortarget isKindOf "Notebook"; if (s_player_grama < 0)&& _Grass && (player distance cursorTarget < 5) then { s_player_grama = player addAction["<t...
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    [SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

    No problem I assume it works now?
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    [SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

    That time that you realize that it takes you longer to type out the fix than to just do it.... Also the mission SQM needs to be changed back as some overwatch items have made their way there. Fallingsheep, my fault I think, the fixes I sent to you were all for Napf Overpoch. Change in the...
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    [SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

    erm not sure what has happened it the git. Go into cfgServerTrader.hpp and remove : #include "Category\Overwatch416.hpp" #include "Category\Overwatch417.hpp" #include "Category\OverwatchACR.hpp" #include "Category\OverwatchAK.hpp" #include "Category\OverwatchAmmo.hpp" #include...
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    [SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack
  20. B

    [SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

    I rather change the mission spawn weapons its easier to do it that way and then you can reference each mission system you have.