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    Help with randomising an .sqf on server restart

    The bases are random bases with AI and would like them executed randomly rather than having them all on the server at once.
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    Help with randomising an .sqf on server restart

    Hi, I am have mulitple addon bases which are in .sqf files and would like to randomise them on startup. So say BASEA, BASEB, BASEC and so on. Basically I would like a script to choose to run 2 random bases on each restart. So is there someone who could help me run this sort of script...
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    Day/Night Schedule

    You can't do it on as you don't have access to the files you need to change in order to do this.
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    Air raid - bombing and siren

    Hi, Great script, but I cant get the warnings to work. I used the code from the animated script and the text you put in earlier isnt in the code. So where do I put in the AirraidPlayerMsg = _city; publicVariable "AirraidPlayerMsg"; Thanks
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    DayZ Server Base Synchronization Tool 1.1

    Hi, I have not tried this with any other server providers, the program doesn't allow you to enter the port for the DB as assumes it uses the default port which is 3306. The tool also doesn't delete everything just the data in the instance_building table, but this isn't a problem as it syncs...
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    DayZEpoch Server Help

    Hi, Can someone help me setup and run a DayZEpoch server off my own machine? I have all the server files, but need help in setting up the SQL and database and get it all working. If anyone is willing to help, please reply or send me a message. I would also be willing to pay for someone to...
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    Sarge_AI does not work at Epoch

    I am not sure what you are doing wrong, but I can confirm Sarge's AI does work on Epoch.
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    Help with Epoch Server

    Hi, I am really trying to get an Epoch server running on my machine at home which I can use for testing purposes, but I am having massive problems in trying to get it to work correctly as I cant seem to get any of it too work. I am not sure how big of a job it is for someone who know what...
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    DayZ Server Base Synchronization Tool 1.1

    Hi guys, Here is the tool made by someone who used to play on my server, which I use to upload the files to my server. This tool once set up (takes 30 seconds), is a hell of a lot quicker than doing it using the online map converters. The software is compatible with: CHERNARUS - CONFIRMED...
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    Epoch Custom Buildings

    I found this thread very helpful and it is how I have bases added to my Epoch server. I used the method suggested by: machine And it works 100%
  11. B replacement

    Download link is now working.
  12. B replacement

    Hi guys, Here is the tool made by someone who used to play on my server, which I use to upload the files to my server. The software is compatible with: CHERNARUS - CONFIRMED WORKING OTHER MAPS: ???? I will update the thread when people confirm it is working on other maps, but it should work...
  13. B replacement

    I have a program which clears what is in your database and injects the new bases direct to the DB. It was written by someone who used to play on my server. You copy all your .sqf files into the bases folder and rename them xxx.base and then configure the settings and just click sync, it will...
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    Creating a spawn intro cut-scene?

    Thanks for the reply, but being an idiot, where do I put the code? Do I add the top part to the description.ext and then the other one to camera.sqf. Or do I add both parts of the information to the camera.sqf
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    Creating a spawn intro cut-scene?

    Does anyone know how to add a Logo to the camera?
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    Server Scripting Request Help

    Adding all these scripts are pretty easy to do when you find the right pages. I have most of these implemented onto my server. If you message me with your email, I will send you my mission file with most of this incorporated.
  17. B Bliss server, script additions?

    I have exactly the same problem and with you can't do anything about the script restrictions. I get kicked for restriction #245. I would really appreciate if someone from can explain if they have managed to get this working and how.
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    Editing Crash Site Loot and Creating More Spawns

    I am currently renting a server from and I am looking to add rMod weapons to crash sites. It would be very much appreciated if someone could help with adding the items, or if someone could post basic code as to how to do this. I am running Chernarus and only have access to mission and...