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  1. lport3

    Prohibition for bandits to change skin

    #Copy file "compiles.sqf" from @dayz/addons/dayz_code\init\ to your mpmission. #Copy file "player_wearClothes.sqf" from @dayz/addons/dayz_code\actions\ to your mpmission. #Change in file "compiles.sqf" line player_wearClothes = ... to player_wearClothes = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers...
  2. lport3

    Arma crash after shot

    After the first shot the process fails. Perhaps what is lacking in the database table. Please help solve the problem. ps. if a shot Z all is ok, if shot to air arma craching instantly.. ((
  3. lport3

    Arma crash after shot

    After the first shot the process fails. Perhaps what is lacking in the database table. Please help solve the problem. ps if a shot Z all is ok, if shot to air arma craching instantly.. ((
  4. lport3

    server ping 2500

    Hi my dedi test server showed 2500 ping in server browser..why? I can join and play normal.. ports are open.. ---------------------------------------- Ok. I solved the problem. Just changed ISP.