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  1. M

    Which SSide are the NPCs ???

    Hello, can anyone tell me which side the NPCs are?...I need this info for the safezone, because i wanna disallow the npcs to shoot at players...
  2. M

    Sarge_AI does not work at Epoch

    I installed it exactly looking the tutorial, but no NPCs Spawn. I get it started at Chernarus, Taviana and an other Epoch Server, but on my new Epoch server it doesnt work, i dont know why !!! 1.) Enter these code in the init.sqf at the bottom: // UPSMON call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers...
  3. M

    SARGE AI at Ovaron Map ??

    Hello, i wanna use SARGE AI on my Ovaron Map. Can anyone help me to build the files i need, like the map grid etc. ??? Thx MrTriple