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  1. SuperElvus

    [RELEASE] Sheeps DAYZ SA Repack

    Well I just found the documentation at BEC website. I've tried to open it yesterday but the website was not loading to me. I'm gonna try use it for now, so FallingSheep you can spend more time with your family :cool:
  2. SuperElvus

    [RELEASE] Sheeps DAYZ SA Repack

    I saw that but I was worried about the commands, I could't find where to edit it so I was worried about it. I don't wanna give other players commands in my server. I have a "community" server, where players give me a small payment to help me pay electric bills and internet connection, and in...
  3. SuperElvus

    [RELEASE] Sheeps DAYZ SA Repack

    Waiting anxiously for it!! Take your time Sheep. It would be too much to ask for a "VIP" mod? Where the server kick a non-vip to make room for a vip? I see there is a whitelist mod using BEC, but it only allow whitelisted players to connect. I want everybody to join the server, but it...
  4. SuperElvus

    [RELEASE] Sheeps DAYZ SA Repack

    Are you able to connect as admin?
  5. SuperElvus

    [RELEASE] Sheeps DAYZ SA Repack

    No, I was the number 3 to connect
  6. SuperElvus

    [RELEASE] Sheeps DAYZ SA Repack

    Yes, everything working fine here. Tested: login, freecam, tpto, spg, heal, kill. My server was running with other 4 players
  7. SuperElvus

    [RELEASE] Sheeps DAYZ SA Repack

    Great compile FallingSheep! I just can't make AirDrop runs. I set all about airdrop to true at Tunables.c. At Airdrop.c is set to true PrintInformationMessages and PrintInformationCoordinates for debug. Also TicksTimerFromStart is set to 60 so I don't need to wait too much. Nothing happens, no...