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  1. P

    [Support] DZGM

    So I add currentInvites = []; publicVariable "currentInvites"; Like this. dayz_recordLogin = { private["_key"]; _key = format["CHILD:103:%1:%2:%3:",_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2]; _key call server_hiveWrite; }; currentInvites = []; publicVariable...
  2. P

    HellsGamers DayZ Division

    HellsGamers is a large, and growing community, and such we have been growing into new games, and DayZ / ARMA has been taking off and our interesting in them have grown, we've decided to start up a DayZ / ARMA Division, inwhich as follows we have set-up a few servers of our own, now we just seek...
  3. P

    Same Character Tables - Two Different Worlds

    So there is an option but I have check into it much, and I haven't found any thread related to this. But hiveExt.ini has a way to allow for 2 different maps, or 2 of the same maps, to use different databases, but use the SAME character tables, and etc. My question is how would you do this...
  4. P

    DayZ 1.7.7 Cannot loot backpack due to anti-dupe

    I tried it, but so far it hasn't worked... I have another idea that might work... If someone else doesn't get to it first...
  5. P

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    I have had base building before the update, so the deployables are saved, they didn't spawn like normal, so when I added the list to safe objects in variables.sqf it worked... However the future building of new objects do not publish to the server, I assume because of what you guys have been...
  6. P

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    It works, the publishing to database seems to be the only issue left... DayZ
  7. P

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    I've managed to get this working, however nothing is saving to the database still, even having implementing the fixes that were supplied. I am running Bliss, tents won't save, you pitch them up and they stay for 4 seconds and just disappear and aren't in the database. Same with building...
  8. P

    Add me on skype "jaraevinn"

    Add me on skype "jaraevinn"
  9. P

    Quick Question FSM File

    For FSM it says edit line 290 Look for (around line 290) " if ((count units _x==0) ) then {" \n " diag_log (""CLEANUP: DELETING A GROUP: "" + str(_x));" \n and change the FIRST line to to: " if ((count units _x==0) && !(_x getVariable[""SAR_protect"",false])) then {" \n " diag_log (""CLEANUP...
  10. P

    Ping increaseing

    Was wondering how I could increase the ping limit on the Bliss Server.