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  1. pinkamenapie

    Zombies hitting through walls

    I've been noticing its been a little worst than before... Just like zombies becoming alerted through walls and attacking through the walls (at night, while sneaking)...
  2. pinkamenapie

    A quick question about Custom Vehicles spawning

    I was like you, but started getting frustrated with not being able to add things that just made sense (I mean, all around Chernarus is blown up HMMWVs, so why can't we have functional ones, even if they are not armed?)... I also wanted to start modding too, to make it a little more interesting...
  3. pinkamenapie

    A quick question about Custom Vehicles spawning

    You're probably running the regular Chernarus map, to unlock all vehicles, you need to run the rmod version of Chernarus... As far as vehicles that are not banned, here is a handy little list I used to use prior to moving to rmod... It will show you what you can and cannot spawn in a standard...
  4. pinkamenapie

    DayZ Electrical Power Grid

    Well, I did a lot of research when I first found this mod into how I could integrate it into DayZ, to give both survivors and bandits something additional to do with their days... But surprisingly, other than a few people who claimed to have successfully integrated it into their private test...
  5. pinkamenapie

    Adding another food object, (another canned food). How would I go about this?

    So, for adding content this method may be a bust, but what about simply modifying existing content? For instance, say I want to add in new aircraft, but want to disable the radars... Could I utilize this same technique to do so without creating a new mod? EDIT: Sorry, it was late, for a...
  6. pinkamenapie

    A quick question about Custom Vehicles spawning

    V_vehicle table shows vehicles that are currently spawned into your map... Vehicle shows the available vehicles by the Bliss database... To add additional vehicles to spawn into your world, you have to add entries under world_vehicle... Bear in mind, even though some of the vehicles show up...
  7. pinkamenapie

    Working House Lighting (had to remove the http:// since I have to wait 10 days before I can post external links) Found this little tidbit... The whole banned streetlamps is only an issue if you're playing vanilla DayZ... For rmod, supposedly, the items have...
  8. pinkamenapie

    Working House Lighting

    It was said earlier, add it to the end of line 22 for 5 createvehicle... EDIT: Actually, strike that... When I ended line 22 for createvehicle (under scripts.txt), I got kicked for script restriction #40... When I moved this line to the actual createvehicle.txt, I did not get any kicks...