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  1. torkeh

    Problem with running server on Linux

    Thx for all your help. I believe I will try that. I'll let you know if I ever solve the issue.
  2. torkeh

    Discussion Thread

    Yes, this would be quite nice. I cant get his server files to run anyways for some reason.
  3. torkeh

    Problem with running server on Linux

    I have no idea what is wrong, im literally to my last point with this damned server. I've spent like 5 days working on this. Ugh, im so friggin irritated. Reglardless this time wine reported a different error to me after re-installing both vcruns. err:seh:raise_exception Unhandled exception...
  4. torkeh

    Problem with running server on Linux

    Yes, i am using the command line window to launch my Bat file, also i copied my arma20aserver.exe file to the Main OA directory that way i didn't have to launch from Expansion/beta executable. Note that I have tried running from Expansion/beta and from main OA directory with same results.
  5. torkeh

    Problem with running server on Linux

    Ubuntu 12.04 Wine 1.5.10 POL version: Couldnt find it, I'm pretty sure its the latest from the site. Installed all components you listed. My start script is, @echo arma2oaserver.exe "-port=2302" "-config=dayz_1.tavi\config_xxxxxx.cfg" "-cfg=dayz_1.tavi\basic.cfg" "-profiles=dayz_1.tavi"...
  6. torkeh

    Problem with running server on Linux

    Well so I started fresh and re-uploaded my deploy folder completely, and made sure everything was setup correctly.(Ive setup many arma servers, but never on linux before. I am very familiar with linux, however) But now I've managed to fix the spamming read from bank error, and now I can get into...
  7. torkeh

    Problem with running server on Linux

    I cant seem to connect, all i keep getting on the server console is an error related to read mission from bank and it spams it constantly until the player disconnects