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  1. F

    [Mission] GoT_Wasteland v1.08 (Fully Functional)

    Thanks for your great work :) Just a hint: If you want to make your mission bullet proof, against the latest "BIS_fnc_MP - hack": Insert this line "BIS_fnc_MP_packet" addPublicVariableEventHandler {}; in the init.sqf at first line. I tested it with your mission and it works great...
  2. F

    A faster login process for DayZ

    I wish everybody a happy new year! In 2013, i will no longer spend as much of my time in dayz improvements/development. I hope my work helped some of you to enjoy this game a bit more. All improvements currently presented here (and some more :) will be part of 1.7.5. I am curious, what...
  3. F

    A faster login process for DayZ

    You are right, lowering the update frequence is a bad idea, i forgot all the player tracking tools depending on frequently DB updates too. My logs show me player_sync events at least each 12 sec per player, and each player_sync event is triggering a db update. You wrote you have state updates...
  4. F

    A faster login process for DayZ

    I am not involved in the development of hiveext.dll. But i know the hiveext.dll update mechanism and can confirm your observations. I think, it is possible that the FIFO queue inside this .dll can be very long (querys have higher priority), if we have slow I/O and very many updates (full...
  5. F

    A faster login process for DayZ

    ... there are many ways and which is the best for you depends of your setup ... Generally i would say, if you don't have a dedicated DB server and additional a very slow I/O (HDD), you could use some of your left RAM for DB speedup. Some InnoDB settings allow you to adapt buffer size and other...
  6. F

    A faster login process for DayZ

    ... hmm ..., broken legs with the "conservative" publicEH.sqf? That is a bit surprising for me. There was a early "experimental" version, where i got some reports of healed broken legs, which appear broken again, with immediate logout/login (db update to late or incomplete). The "improved"...
  7. F

    A faster login process for DayZ

    1/ no, a faster login is already in, the "instant login" will be in 1.7.5 when finished, or here now ( is up to date) 2/ yes, yes, "brocken legs" was a earlier problem with the first publicEH.sqf and is solved with the current version
  8. F

    A faster login process for DayZ

    UPDATE: In server_cleanup.fsm corrected an codeline compatible with 1.7.5, back to compatibility. Sorry for my misstake :/
  9. F

    A faster login process for DayZ

    UPDATE: publicEH.sqf and server_cleanup.fsm improved Enjoy ;)
  10. F

    A faster login process for DayZ

    ... yep, i hope so, he is informed ...
  11. F

    A faster login process for DayZ

    I found that it is possible to redefine config classes. So if we, for example, just would change the "Locality Event" message, we just have to do the following: In our cfgVehicles.hpp (dayz_code) we insert the following redefing code as first define in class "CfgVehicles": class...
  12. F

    Hacking etc

    ... does your logs containing informations about what code the hackers currently use?
  13. F

    Hacking etc

    ... ok, RemEx sounds for me like remote execution (call RE), and selective blocking/ignoring this should be possible ...
  14. F

    Hacking etc

    ... anti hack stuff is not really my terrain, i don't have a public server, so hacking is not really my problem ... But this start to interesting me, since TheLaughingMan told me, that my MPFramework-hook, which i just implemented to speed up the login, blocks the "remote execution" hack. I...
  15. F

    A faster login process for DayZ

    ... hmm..., i think you are not wrong here, it could be hard for the scheduler to get a load of 200 additional fsm's in a short period, if this occurs. And you could be right too assuming, that the fsm will not be immediate terminating if the scheduler is heavy loaded (up to some seconds). So...
  16. F

    A faster login process for DayZ

    .. ok, i checked this "local event", Results: 1. it only occurs if player disconnects/died 2. the .fsm terminates immediate 3. we can't eliminate this (diag_log message), because the related file is not in community hand
  17. F

    A faster login process for DayZ

    ... thanks much for your report, there must something in the experimental EH a bit to risky ... I moved the "usecMorphine" EH back the server and client section in publicEH.sqf. If you like, you can try with the experimental again.
  18. F

    A faster login process for DayZ

    Edit: It seems it is triggered for killing zombies too (in my log files it is very frequently with one player). I think you are right, the execution of this FSM here looks like heavy wasting of resourses. We should really investigate this !!!
  19. F

    A faster login process for DayZ

    ... hey, very good catch ... My notepad++ didn't find it, because of binarization. You should contact R4ZoR49, he is currently reworking the zombie stuff.
  20. F

    A faster login process for DayZ

    ... currently, i havn't ... I am reworking (speed up) currently the loot spawn system and to make my life easier when testing my code, i disabled the zombies totally ;)