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    py3rcon. Python admin tool.

    Hey guys! long time not posting. DayZ server is kinda slow there days... Anyway, just to let you know that we have a rcon python client for arma* and dayz. Opensource and all. feel free to check this out chao.
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    This sub forum is a fucken mess. Everyone post non standalone related post here... Can we elect a moderator? Since i'm the mayor of berezino, I vote for myself and huh, maybe someone else.
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    BattlEye Rcon python3

    I created a very early implementation of the BattlEye rcon protocol in Python3. It's dirty and it stink. But, it can be usefull. I was bored of running a windows server to handle server message & whitelist. What's worling: Connecting Receiving server message Sending command Reconnect on...
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    Future DayZ community build?

    Hi everyone! I just want to know if there someone still working on patch for the dayz mod(r4z0r?)? Are we allowed to continue devlopment? Thanks
  5. I low loots

    Anyone know where is the timer for the 15minutes loots cycle? I need to set it lower, it's too high right now and everyone is complaining about the low / no loot.
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    Vehicle respawn.

    How do we respawn/clean vehicle without re-importing the sql files? it seem that there is not function pcleanup. -Indepth
  7. I Namalsk 2017 server

    Our first Namalsk 2017 is up and running, join us @ Please note that the Namalsk server is not running the whitelist for now. I hope it wont be needed. Indepth
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    Automate vehicule cleanup&Respawn?

    is there a way to automate the vehicle cleanup and respawn process without going to the GUI? like a command line or something?
  9. I to reality

    I am trying to migrate one of my friends on my dedi server. They use at the moment. So i exported database into my own database server, when in use everything is good, no error reported. But if i try to add Reality main to this database, here is the error: INFO...
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    BITD restarter.

    BITD Auto restarter for Reality build Feature: Restart interval of 2.3,4,6 and 8 hrs In game restart warning of 30, 15, 10, 5 2, 1 minutes Speedup mode HOW TO USE IT ** IT NEED TO BE ON THE SAME MACHINE/SAME USER AS THE DAYZ SERVER ** Just unzip in the folder of your choice, then run...
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    Reality control panel error

    I now have an error with Reality control panel when i Press Build. I get an error saying; World defined was not specified in the data file. How to fix it?
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    [OLD] Updating from dayzcc

    Is it possible to update from dayzcc without loosing all the database ? Is there a way to "update" the database to be compatible to dayzlite? Croshire is slow to update, not even sure he will do it and we can't stay 1.7.4 anymore.