Search results

  1. T

    Cant pack my pbos

    Hello, For some reason I cannot pack my pbos without corrupting them, I've tried several packers including: Cpbo (which doesn't work at all) pbo view, etc etc etc. I have no way to pack my pbo's at the moment. Can someone please help me with my problem? Thanks in advanced Tayamart
  2. T

    Protective domes

    So if I just change the names everything should be working correctly? ( I ofcourse have seperate scripts for them, I just need to change the name of the dome). The brackets I mentioned earlier are good too? All of them are closed properly? Because my RPT gave me this error: [13-12-2013 23:22:49]...
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    [Request] Zone base warning/kill Can someone help me with the problem i'm having? Thanks in advanced.
  4. T

    Protective dome help Hey, I sincerely hope someone can help me with my problem Thanks in advanced, Tayamart
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    Protective domes

    class Sensors { items=2; class Item0 { position[]={867.911,0.001,5644.67}; a=100; b=150; activationBy="WEST"; repeating=1; interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; name="dome"; expCond="(vehicle player) in thislist;"; expActiv="dome = [] execVM ""Drewdome.sqf"";"; expDesactiv="terminate dome; titleText...
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    Popular server needs some help with extra mods..

    Paying money to the person that really helps me out.
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    Need help adding mods to your missions?

    Is there a way we can discuss some of the things i want in my mission.pbo over skype? I don't like to use forums lol
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    Popular server needs some help with extra mods..

    Hello, I'm the owner of a pretty popular server for a couple months now, i've had several mods on the server but somehow they bring more bugs than joy... I need: Npc's (Working not too overpowered ones) Giving yourself blood bags Salvage vehicle parts from vehicles (without bugs like...
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    Searching for anti-hack

    Who would I give my info to? I don't know what you mean :S
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    Searching for anti-hack

    What do you mean mate?!
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    Searching for anti-hack

  12. T

    Searching for anti-hack

    Hello, I'm already using TSW as a anti-hack, it works well but it just doesn't hold back all the hackers. Is there a script or some other program that will hold them back? I am willing to pay money for a good server sides anti-hack! Sincerely, Tayamart.
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    Need a scripter (willing to pay money)

    Sure :), if you could do that why not
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    Need a scripter (willing to pay money)

    By the way, do you know any good ANTI-HACKING scripts?
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    Need a scripter (willing to pay money)

    Here is my Mission.pbo
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    Need a scripter (willing to pay money)

    willing to pay atleast 15$ depends on how much you do! will go higher if needed!
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    Need a scripter (willing to pay money)

    Willing to pay a decent amount of money!!!
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    Need a scripter (willing to pay money)

    Hello, I am in need of a scripter that is willing to add some more features for my DayZ server ( Like I mentioned in the Thread title: I'm willing to pay money. These are the kind of features I want: Vehicle towing Car parts ripping (Rip off Vehicle parts to use on other vehicles)...