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  1. S

    Safe-zone border -Epoch

    ahhh so obvious... Sorry for that :P
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    Vehicles blowing up

    When i use an admin tool to add temp vehicles they blow up when i enter them. Is there any known fix for this ? :)
  3. S

    [Release] pick spawn and loadout

    I want to combine This with halo jump, but not like random spawn on halo and then choose when you land, i want to choose spawn location and then spawn in halo jump. Is this possible ?
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    Safe-zone border -Epoch

    Hi, is there something that marks the safe-zone border in the game, not on the map. I have searched but could not find anything
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    BEC restart Scheduler

    No its should be the same, as i typed at the bottom of my comment : Try that one and READ the info i typed at job 16 and do it to all restarts
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    BEC restart Scheduler

    <Scheduler> <!-- *** TEXTNACHRICHTEN WIEDERHOLEND *** --> <!-- Textnachricht alle 10 Minuten --> <job id="0"> <time>001000</time> //<--- I let this stay at is because then this will come up every 10min, change it to what ever you want. <delay>000000</delay> <day>1,2,3,4,5,6,7</day>...
  7. S

    BEC restart Scheduler

    ok so look here, shutdown at job 16 is at 000000, dont you think he wants to restart at midnight when the warning is at 235900 ? so its obvios that he want it to say : 00:00:00 and 23:59:00,,, if not,, then there is a warning 23 hours and 59 minutes after bec starts that says it will restart in...
  8. S

    BEC restart Scheduler

    No it should be <time>23:55:00</time>
  9. S

    BEC restart Scheduler

    First of all...... <time></time> can be typed like this: 000000 or this 00:00:00 the first on is a "countdown" and the second is time of day, as i can se you have typed: 235900 on job 15, make it 23:59:00 to follow the computer time. if you type it like this: 235900 then it will do...
  10. S

    [Tutorial] Custom Loot Tables and Adjusting Spawn Rates

    Well i screwed it up on the self-bloodbag script so i got it fixed now, but i did not notice it before i added this, sorry my fault :P
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    [Tutorial] Custom Loot Tables and Adjusting Spawn Rates

    After i did this, i cant repair anything, the repair option is gone, need help here fast !!
  12. S

    Skalisty bridge

    Okei i figured out that part to now, but there is one thing i cant figure out, when i add the bridge to my server, the entire shit just sinks into the ocean. I tried Excelsior - Excelsior Bridge to but that would not even spawn... So anyone have a fix for shit sinking into the ocean ?
  13. S

    Skalisty bridge

    Nvm i figured it out now, if anyone else have trouble with this, just right click the object, click edit object, and then inside Init expression type this: "this setVectorUp [0,0,0.1]"; But now i have another problem, when im trying to add lets say a building on the bridge and if i save it...
  14. S

    Skalisty bridge

    I know there is one here that i can download and add, but i want to make one myself, but there is one thing i cant figure out. The shit i place follows the landscape, i cant get it to level out. Is there a tool for this or a keyboard binding to make it NOT follow the landscape ? I have tried...
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    [Tutorial] Custom Loot Tables and Adjusting Spawn Rates

    Alright will try that, thanks :)
  16. S

    Show online players on debug

    Would be great :)
  17. S

    Show online players on debug

    here it is :) //if (dayzDebug) then { //Debug Info _headShots = player getVariable["headShots",0]; _kills = player getVariable["zombieKills",0]; _killsH = player getVariable["humanKills",0]; _killsB = player getVariable["banditKills",0]...
  18. S

    [Tutorial] Custom Loot Tables and Adjusting Spawn Rates

    Thanks its kinda working and kinda not, the loot spawn one time, and after that it want respawn, when elektro is looted then it is looted till next server restart, anyone may know what this problem is ?
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    Show online players on debug

    What line should i add to make a player count on the debug monitor ? iv seen some servers have it but i cant find any posts that tell you how to add it.