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  1. R

    A thread of working unbanned vehicles

    Here is a list of vehicles that not many people may or may not know that work. ive included images so you know what they look like , im hosted with HFB servers and these all work , please let me know if any work for you also a thanks would be nice :) [/url]
  2. R

    DayZ Eclipse | Auto Refuel | Extended Balota | Pirate island | AI Bandits | Non PVP | Active admins

    Hello there guys , my name is Royal Cuppa and im here to advertise my server. DayZ Eclipse - We are a non pvp server which means you cannot shoot at other players, you can team up or fight alone against the zombies. We are currently testing / adding in AI controlled...
  3. R

    any one able to help?

    bascially there are hardly any zombies spawning i,.e some times none and also heli copter crash sites arnt loading , any one fancy helping a nublet out?
  4. R

    Help with vehicles

    i need help really badly , now in my database aka sql , i have vehicles in all three tables : instance_vehicle , world_vehicle , Vehicle now on my admin map they show up but when i go to them ingame there not there , i even copy down there world space and set it to my characters world space...