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  1. S

    ****Planet F8L****New Server

    Hello all, We have made some changes to our server, we have taken out the chopper tow, and the extra seating, and added in Vehicle towing and Part Scavenger! Come check out our website Hope to see you in game soon!
  2. S

    ****Planet F8L****New Server

    Hello, I am Sara (ingame name F8LB30TCH) the server owner, along with Jeff (ingame name F8L3RR0R). We are the server owners !! Our server population is 10-20 players on average, sometimes it is lower, sometimes it is higher. Just depends on when your playing. Don't let the low pop scare you...
  3. S

    dayz mission addin (serverside scripts)

    Hello, me and my boyfriend have a server we just started and he is very new to scripting stuff in, has had some luck with a few things but when he tried to add this stuff in everything went wonky. I was wondering if there was anyone who know about adding stuff like this to servers that would be...