Search results

  1. R

    [HELP] Proximity Scan For Players

    Looking for a script i came across in the past. you would right click GPS, and a option to SCAN. would scan for players in a X radius. and tell u how many players.. not where epoch
  2. R

    Epcoh - Adding A Visual Marker On Friendly Tagged Players

    short version: Looking for where the "Tag Friendly" script is located in Epoch. longer version: There was a dayz mod when you tagged them Friendly it would add a little glowing globe around their wrist that only you could see. it was small so i switched the globe to a Down Red Arrow that...
  3. R

    RPT log

    My rpt log has hours of: 1:28:27 Duplicate magazine 22Rnd_125mmHE_T72 detected (id 77:38948) in slots 2A46M and D81 1:28:27 Duplicate magazine 22Rnd_125mmHE_T72 detected (id 77:38948) in slots 2A46M and HE 1:28:28 Duplicate magazine 22Rnd_125mmHE_T72 detected (id 77:38948) in slots 2A46M and D81...
  4. R

    Hackers Coming in using my UID

    I use infistar antihack, I run a epoch server from A couple of days ago, i was going thru the database and i searched for my UID, so i could get the weapon ID of an as50.. When the search result came back it showed my name as Bill Nye.. (not my name in game).. I opened dart, did a...
  5. R

    dayz standalone leaked?

    just saw a dayz standalone pre-alpha torrent. /ponder ttyl
  6. R


    ok so after switching to a host that lets me have liberal access privileges in the data base, ive been working on some stuff. I just getting snagged on something.. ill use post as an example from a post: Custom Spawn location based on UID? the trigger is: CREATE TRIGGER `custom_spawn` BEFORE...