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  1. T

    [Release] Fred's Wardrobe v1.0.2

    Was wondering is it possible to pass the "classname" off through the: EXECscript1 = 'player execVM "'+pathtoclothing+'%1"'; Using a set of brackets like: EXECscript1 = 'player ["Survivor2_DZ"] execVM "'+pathtoclothing+'%1"'; Reason being, trying to use a single sqf to run the wardrobe request...
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    [Release] Fred's Wardrobe v1.0.2

    Just to show you it in action here's my section from the main's menu list: pathtoclothing = "wardrobe\clothing\"; EXECscript1 = 'player execVM "'+pathtoclothing+'%1"'; if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["#########"]) then { wardrobe = [ ["",true], [parseText format ["<t...
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    [Release] Fred's Wardrobe v1.0.2

    Rosska85, You sir are a genius....Thank You so much for finally answering my long desired question of the text color. Works like a charm. This is one of those OCD type issues I desired for my server that just add's a little touch of difference. Again Thanks ;) Extra Can of Beans for you !!!
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    DayZ Crafting System - Needing Guidance

    Keep in mind that the Self Blood and the Crafting can sit side by side in the "fn_selfActions.sqf" as shown below: // ---------------------------------------Crafting Start------------------------------------------------ _isCraft = cursorTarget isKindOf "Land_Chest_EP1"; if...
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    DayZ Crafting System - Needing Guidance

    Sounds like you had either a major typo in that file "sbb_fnc1.sqf" is an unknown to me and has no place in the crafting system. As for having "two" fixes folders not sure why, when the original crafting system was simply a sub-folder inside of fixes... i.e. "Fixes\Crafting" or what ever name...
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    DayZ Crafting System - Needing Guidance

    No problem Diesel Weasel, I understand your desire not to "muck" things up server side and I totally agree on backup copies of your pbo's. I just went the extra step and actually bought a second server, locked it out with a password, and it's my test and developement sololy server. Once I've...
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    DayZ Crafting System - Needing Guidance

    Diesel Weasel, It is normal to have certain files "moved" over into your PBO's to allow for you to add in or modify aspects of your server environment to suit your desire of game play. Like Matt L has mentioned it is not needed to have multi-copies of most files like "fn_selfActions.sqf" in...
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    Menu Colors Request

    Was wondering if there is a certain syntax that is needed to "color" the menu items when creating custom player action scroll features. Example: SpecialMenu = [ ["",true], ["Menu 1", [2], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"menu1.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["Menu 2"...
  9. T

    How do you add multiple protective domes?

    Well for one thing I found out on my own and not sure but I also had a problem in that when you are naming your Safe Zone with (numbers) in their names they don't register: Change: class Sensors { items=16; class Item0 {...
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    [Release] Fred's Wardrobe v1.0.2

    Is there a method to continue the Menu Color Text throughout the entire sub-menu's? Would like to have the original "Wardrobe" color text inside the sub menus that follow..;)
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    How do you add multiple protective domes?

    Would it also be possible to see your "exit" sqf as in how you applied these: player_zombieCheck = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_zombieCheck.sqf"; fnc_usec_damageHandler = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers...
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    [WORKING] Admin Tool

    On a side note, is it possible to have the sub-menu's also in color instead of the default Green..? Example (Make the "Weapon Kits" a Different Color then Default): ["Weapon Kits", [5], "#USER:WeaponMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
  13. T

    DayZ Crafting System - Needing Guidance

    Well I do have a development server I use to test, build, and try out before moving over to my actual player server. PM me if interested and we can see what we can do...
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    DayZ Crafting System - Needing Guidance

    What ya missing, looking for a test sever or..?
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    DayZ Crafting System - Needing Guidance

    Love the Firebucket behind the fireplace and Chest, you know just incase the failure percentage kicks in..;) Looks great, looking forward to it's release.
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    Finding _sfx names

    Ok let me refine my question a tad incase someone's got a nifty tip or pointer to lead me to go check out. Here's examples of some of the calls for Sound FX's from various actions in Dayz. _sfx = "repair"; _sfx = "cook"; _sfx = "gut"; _sfx = "refuel"; _sfx = "chopwood"; _sfx = "tentunpack"; _sfx...
  17. T

    Specific Vehicles Re-spawn At Restart?

    Here's how I do it on my server: Step 1: By using the 3D Editor I place a chosen vehicle I want to be "taxi's" (i.e. The lovely decorated lada's) that people spawning in or respawning in can use and abuse to get around the map. I place a fair amount but not 100's as to not clutter up the...
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    Finding _sfx names

    So had an idea to use other types of "_sfx" sounds for different actions that people can do on the server. One thing I can't seem to find the link on is where or when is the sfx sound files named or how are they called upon. Example: (I find this in the CfgSounds.hpp) class z_tentunpack_0 {...
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    DayZ Crafting System - Needing Guidance

    Will give it a shot, Kudo Thanks ;)
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    Anti-Zombie Zone

    Matt L, You can have my can of beans for such a simple yet overlooked method to hide the "Dragon Balls of Nuker Floating Enity" lol...thanks for the tip.