Search results

  1. H New Takistan

    Discovered a few more desert weapons and vehicles, and added them to the server.
  2. H

    Black lake castle help

    By "jacked up" , I'm guessing that the castle walls are moving around. There are bounding boxes around each object model, and when they touch the bounding boxes of other models they push away from each other. Your best bet is to keep moving the walls, trial and error, then save and check it in...
  3. H New Takistan

    M4A1 Holo GL SD added to ultra-rare loot table (air drops).
  4. H New Takistan

    There is a now a very slight chance of a gold-plated AKS dropping in the mansion at the Presidential Retreat.
  5. H

    Skalisty Castle

    Cool, let me know where your server is, I wouldn't mind checking out what you're doing with it.
  6. H New Takistan

    Built out additional towns, including Nur.
  7. H

    Skalisty Castle

    Do you have antivirus or some kind of firewall running? The links work for me. How about DropBox - Debris - Castle -
  8. H

    Skalisty Castle

    Skalisty Castle - Debris Remix -
  9. H

    Skalisty Castle

    I'll reupload when I get home tonight.
  10. H New Takistan

    By popular demand, you can now craft Czech packs as well as Coyote in the Naygul Valley. Since 24 slot packs are extremely rare on this server, crafting is your best option. When you get to the valley, watch out for rocks, zeds, bandits.
  11. H New Takistan

    Added MK 17 desert sniper and desert automatic rifle.
  12. H

    Help with 3d editor

    This happens because the bounding boxes around the model are touching. Unfortunately, you can't see the boxes in the editor (some buildings are worse than others), so as the folks above stated, you'll have to keep trying until it's good. One thing though - you have to test by uploading to your...
  13. H New Takistan

    Added G36 SD camo.
  14. H New Takistan

    New town, Takkar, east of Rasman in the desert.
  15. H

    New Takistan now has desert versions of weapons, as well as desert clothing...

    New Takistan now has desert versions of weapons, as well as desert clothing
  16. H New Takistan

    Added Makarov SD, AK 107 and the RPK to the map.
  17. H

    First Aid Stations

    The images in the above post? Just turned the video settings up to highest setting.
  18. H

    Krixes - Self Bloodbag Script

    I couldn't go through all 36 thread pages, but a search didn't turn up anything. This code generates a negative number of seconds for the countdown, anyone know how to fix? _bloodbagTime = time - lastBloodbag; // Variable used for easy reference in determining the self bloodbag cooldown...
  19. H New Takistan

    Added random soldier outfits, including desert camo. Added desert camo versions of some weapons, like the M24 and SVD
  20. H New Takistan

    Added 30 second God Mode on spawn to cut down on spawn killing.