10XLoot|AiBandits|50k Start|Trader|PvP|S.U.R.V.I.V.E-Z

red hunter

New Member
☢10XLoot|AiBandits|50k Start|Trader|PvP|S.U.R.V.I.V.E-Z☢ Map Esseker PC only Base Raid 24/7 No duping/No hacking Military Custom Safezone with Traders and Bank ☣More wolves, bears, infectes wolves and infected bears in towns/villages(edit locations) ⚔Boosted weapons, ammo, food, clothes and tools Custom new weapons Custom clothing and equipment New armbands Trader signs ‍♂️Ai Bandit npc patrolling roads ‍Ingame Party for teaming 1 ready to fly helicopter in each military base Helicrash New Weather system Ingame Map with markers Rare loot containers Guncabinet and storage for basebuild ‍Custom player loadout become vip gold or silver for a custom npc and custom loadout place anywhere inside a building https://discord.com/invite/B6hB6TfB5D