Adapting Zombie Behavior To (Tavi 2.0)


Well-Known Member
I am highly interested in - while graciously awaiting Taviana 3.0 - adapting zombie capability to zombies in .com 2.0. One thing I have learned hard and final like (and I am really a noob) with DayZ/Arma Coding is that sometimes having your cake and eating it too either takes extreme perseverance or sacrifice of one desired feature for another.

What I would like specifically to bring over from current DayZ code is zombies' ability to attack a player while in vehicles. Thanks to joikd and this topic:, I have zombies spawning in greater numers and while players are in vehicles on my Tavi 2.0 server.

So far I have looked at zombie_agent.fsm, zombie_findTarget.sqf and wild_spawnZombie.sqf in the Chernarus DayZ Code, but I have not really yet determined what code exactly allows zombies to attack players in vehicles and damage both player and vehicle glass.

I am not looking for someone to do this for me, I am rather hoping that someone can point me in the right direction or tell me that I am looking for the answer in the right or wrong place.

Thank you, in advance

Edit: I think that this is what I was searching for:
//_result = [_vehicle, _wound,_total, _unit,"zombie"] call fnc_usec_damageVehicle;
        //dayzHitV =    [_vehicle,_wound,_total, _unit,"zombie"];
        //publicVariable "dayzHitV";
        if (_total >= 1) then {
            if ((_chance % 4) == 0) then {
                if ((_vehicle isKindOf "ATV_Base_EP1") or (_vehicle isKindOf "Motorcycle")) then { player action ["eject", _vehicle] };
            if (r_player_blood < (r_player_bloodTotal * 0.8)) then {
                    _wound = DAYZ_woundHit call BIS_fnc_selectRandomWeighted;
                } else {
                    _wound = DAYZ_woundHit_ok call BIS_fnc_selectRandomWeighted;