AIs on Trinity


I'm trying to get AIs working on Trinity. I edited the patrol configs to try to create new grid coordinates for patrols. I haven't encountered any AI units yet and my RPT log is littered with this:

16:08:13 Wrong text element 'null'
16:08:13 Error in expression <AI_debug;
_leader = _groupvehicles createunit [_leader_group, [(_rndpos sel>
16:08:13  Error position: <createunit [_leader_group, [(_rndpos sel>
16:08:13  Error Type Any, expected Number
16:08:13 File mpmissions\dayz_1.trinity\addons\SARGE\SAR_setup_AI_patrol_land.sqf, line 156
16:08:13 Error in expression <ipers - 1) do
_this = _groupvehicles createunit [_sniperlist call SAR_fnc_sel>
16:08:13  Error position: <createunit [_sniperlist call SAR_fnc_sel>
16:08:13  Error Type Any, expected Number
16:08:13 File mpmissions\dayz_1.trinity\addons\SARGE\SAR_setup_AI_patrol_land.sqf, line 209
16:08:13 Error in expression <["SAR_protect",true,true];
_veh = createVehicle [_x, [_rndpos select 0, _r>
16:08:13  Error position: <createVehicle [_x, [_rndpos select 0, _r>
16:08:13  Error Type Any, expected Number
16:08:13 File mpmissions\dayz_1.trinity\addons\SARGE\SAR_setup_AI_patrol_land.sqf, line 135
16:08:13 "SAR_AI: Static Spawning for vehicle patrols finished"
16:08:13 "SAR_AI: Dynamic and static spawning finished"
16:08:13 "SAR_AI: applying vehicle fix ..."

Any guidance would be very helpful!