BEC Scheduler restart messages not working

i just cant seem to get them working please help and review my files for any errors

bec_config.cfg (main configuration)

# This config file is only provided as an example file.
# Edit it to sute your needs.
# For more info on how to edit this file.
# Use the Readme.txt file
# Or
# visit


Ip =
Port = 2302
BePath = C:\TCAFiles\Users\MathewE\13577\vilayer_active_server_1601396\BattlEye\
Admins = Admins.xml
Commands = Commands.xml
LogDir = Logs


# Set the color,height and with on bec's console window
ConsoleColor= 0f
ConsoleHeight= 30
ConsoleWidth= 100

#AsciiNickOnly = True
#DisallowPlayerNameChars= [](){}<>/\^|§!#%&@£¤¨
#MaxPlayerNameLength = 16
#Warnings = 4
#AsciiChatOnly = True
#IgnoreChatChars= æøå
ChatChannelFiles = true

Scheduler = Scheduler.xml

#KickLobbyIdlers= 180

WordFilterFile = BadWords.txt
WhiteListFile = WhiteList.txt
NickFilterFile = BadNames.txt

# Set the amount of time Bec will wait on the server on startup - DO NOT EDIT
Timeout = 60

# Set the amount of Normal players who can connect. Set it to -1 to disable it.
# If set to 0 it means only players who are listed in the Admins.xml will be able to connect to the server.
# Quick Example 1: server can hole 50 players. and you want to reserve 5 slots for admins. then set SlotLimit to 45.
# Quick Example 2: server can hole 50 players. and you want to reserve 5 slots for admins and 5 slots for friends.
# then set SlotLimit to 40. and edit your admins.xml. add in all your frineds and put them in group example 100.
SlotLimit = -1

# Flood control system. There are 2 types of flood control and only one can be in use.
# Type 1 is based on how many players are in the lobby.
# If the player count is greater than what FloodControl is set to the server will autolock until the number of players are less that what FloodControl is set to.
# Type 2 is based on the number of connection within given time. The server will also be locked for given time.

# Quick Examples:
# Type 1
#FloodControl = 5
# Locks the server when there is 5 or more players in the lobby.

# Type 2 .
#FloodControl = 10
#FloodSampleTime = 3
#FloodLockTime = 5
# Locks the server if 10 or more players connect within 3 sec. the server will be locked for 5 seconds.

# Reporter account. Fill in the username and password for your reporter account.
# Gamehack,Hacks will be reported to a database. all players who connect will also be checked against this database.

# Set the Username for your account
User =

# Set the Password for your account
Password =

# Set max amount of chat lines a player is allowed to send for each channel.
# Going passed the number will result in kick. -1 is disabled, 0 isntant kick.
# If the number is higher than 0 players will be sendt warnings.

Global = -1
Side = -1
Group = -1
Vehicle= -1
Command= -1
Commander = -1
Direct = -1
And my schedular.xml ....
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="acs.xsl" type="text/xsl" ?>
<!-- Schedular to be shown all days in the week. -->
<!-- show text ingame every 20 min -->
<job id="0">
<cmd>say -1 Thank you for playing on SAS Epoch.</cmd>

<!-- show text ingame every 60 min -->
<job id="1">
<cmd>say -1 Any problems? Report them to an admin.</cmd>

<!-- show text ingame every 60 min -->
<job id="2">
<cmd>say -1 We now offer donator loadouts/bases! Ask an admin for more details.</cmd>

<!-- show text ingame every 60 min -->
<job id="3">
<cmd>say -1 Server restart in 2 minutes! Log out to avoid gear loss.</cmd>

How frequently are you trying to restart your server?

The time you have there "025800" isn't 60 minutes.

60 minutes is "006000". So if you want that displayed 2 minutes before a restart, and you restart every hour, then you would put "005800".

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
Lets say you have your server restart at 6pm daily. The best way to display messages for this would be by using a slightly different time format.


That would display the message at 5:58pm every day. The format you are using is more of a timer based on when the BEC scheduler started. The format I put above is based on actual time. This time is determined by the host machine that BEC is running on. So it's good to know what time zone your server is in so you can schedule things to your taste.

Hope this helps.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
For timed messages use the welcome messages in your config.cfg, you can put as many as you like and have them display every x number of seconds, putting messages inbetween to create larger gaps..

// WELCOME MESSAGE ("message of the day")
// It can be several lines, separated by comma
// Empty messages "" will not be displayed at all but are only for increasing the interval
motd[] = {
	"This is the first message all players see when they log in... ",
	"Thank everyone for using your server...",
        "Donate message here.. maybe? .",
        "another message here... ",
motdInterval = 600;					// Time interval (in seconds) between each message

As for the BEC schedular, here's mine for comparison.. I restart my server every 3 hours...

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="acs.xsl" type="text/xsl" ?>
    <job id="0">
        <time>020000</time> <!-- run every 2 hours -->
        <cmd>say -1 Server will restart in 1 hour.</cmd>    

 <job id="1">
        <cmd>say -1 Server will restart in 30 minutes..</cmd>    

 <job id="2">
        <cmd>say -1 Server will restart in 10 minutes.</cmd>    

 <job id="3">
        <cmd>say -1 Server will restart in 5 minutes.</cmd>    

 <job id="4">
        <cmd>#lock</cmd>               <-- Locking the server a few minutes early so nobody logs in mid reboot -->

<job id="5">
        <cmd>say -1 Server will restart in 1 minute.</cmd>    

<job id="6">

I seem to be having the same problem, except the whole thing won't work. I want my Scheduler to restart the my server at 12 Midnight every night but I can't seem to get it to work! Can someone read over mines and tell me what needs to be changed, or it would be even better if someone could possible do it for me, but either way is fine.

Below Is The Scheduler That I Can't Get Working :'(

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="acs.xsl" type="text/xsl" ?>
    <job id="0">
        <time>23:00:00</time> <!-- run every 2 hours -->
        <cmd>say -1 THE SERVER WILL RESTART IN 1 HOUR.</cmd> 

<job id="1">
        <cmd>say -1 THE SERVER WILL RESTART 30 MINUTES..</cmd> 

<job id="2">
        <cmd>say -1 THE SERVER WILL RESTART 10 MINUTES.</cmd> 

<job id="3">
        <cmd>say -1 THE SERVER WILL RESTART 5 MINUTES.</cmd> 

<job id="4">

<job id="5">
        <cmd>say -1 THE SERVER WILL RESTART 1 MINUTE.</cmd> 

<job id="6">

Last edited:
You could add this job. just change the path to how you start your server =)

<job id="7">

timeout 5

@echo off

echo Starting Dayz Server
:: start the server..
set dayzpath="C:\Epoch"
cd %dayzpath%
start "arma2" /min "Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe" -port=2302 "-config=instance_11_Chernarus\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_11_Chernarus\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_11_Chernarus" -name=instance_11_Chernarus "-world=Chernarus" "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"start "DayZ" "DayZ_Epoch_instance_11_Chernarus.bat"

timeout 40


echo Starting Bec
:: start bec
set becpath="C:\Epoch_Tools\Bec"
cd /d %becpath%
start "Bec" "bec.exe" -f myserver.cfg
timeout 20
echo Server Started 100%

This is how I do it =)