Cant connect to MySQL


New Member
So ive been trying to get my Private hive up and running on my pc and i finally did. Now when i open up the server and join it loads up and when i get about 100 /1024 through the download on my client it freezes and a prompt appears saying
2013-07-20 00:25:13 Database: [Warning] Could not connect to MySQL database at Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061), retrying in 1 seconds
and i dont honestly know what to do any idea would help Thank you - Hwakeye
This is the prompt (photobucket link)
Did you create the database user called 'dayz' in the database, and then give that user full permissions for your dayz overwatch db?
an example would be, if your user is 'dayz' and your database for overwatch is 'dayz_overwatch' you could use your mysql control panel (navicat, phpMyAdmin, etc) to enter the following sql statement:
GRANT ALL on dayz_overwatch.* to dayz@localhost identified by 'dayz';

and then in hiveext.ini make sure your db user is: dayz, the db user password is 'dayz' (or whatever password you decide to use) and finally make sure your database name is 'dayz_overwatch'