- [NEW] New folder structure, dayz_server.pbo and HiveExt.dll are no longer stored in @dayzcc folder. Every map/mod has it's own folder with there own files, this is to be able to support more maps since most of them run different DayZ version.
- [NEW] Updated HiveExt.dll
- [NEW] Added new BattlEye filters
- [NEW] CC now supports more maps again, following maps are now supported besides Chernarus:
- Lingor (Hunting Grounds)
- Utes
- Takistan (2.2 By vRNemesis)
- Panthera
- Fallujah
- Namalsk
- Thirsk
- Celle
- Isladuala
- Oring
- [NEW] Added support for rMod2.1 on all current supported maps
- [NEW] Added CC functions to all currently supported maps
- [NEW] Change the Lingor map to the more updated version of the map: DayZ Hunting Grounds
- [NEW] Readded carepackages and random wrecks
- [NEW] Custom-loadout still in
- [NEW] Updated Takistan to 2.2 By vRNemesis
- [NEW] All maps now has a very user/customize friendly server_spawnCrashSite.sqf for heli crash-site
- [FIX] Spawn-selection working
- [FIX] Fixed modlist error on some maps
- [FIX] Fixed problems with starting up a Namalsk server
- [FIX] Gender-selection working
- [FIX] Added missing "," for all rmod mission.sqm