Cleaning the Database


I was curious if there is someone a little more familiar with SQL/PHP than I am that could throw in some suggestions. I'm trying to clean out my database. The Profiles and Survivor tables to be more specific. I want to clean out people who haven't been on in X amount of days. Just trying to keep things easy to manage. I guess it wouldn't be a bad thing if I couldn't do it. I really am just trying to clear data from people who log on once and never to be seen again. Thanks!
Backup your database before attempting this as I'm just doing this off the top of my head here. I assume you are using something like HeidiSqL or mysql workbench to manage your databse.

Try the following.

DELETE FROM survivor, instance_deployable
USING survivor
LEFT JOIN instance_deployable ON = instance_deployable.owner_id
WHERE survivor.last_updated < DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH);

This will only remove the records from the survivor table and the tents/deployables that are linked to them. If you don't want the tents to disappear you will need to use a DELETE IGNORE and modify the above as any character with a tent will make the query fail due to foreign key constraints.

Leaving the records in the profile table is useful if a player returns after more than a month away but if you must delete then you need to do a delete count query e.g.

You could run the above query and then run

( SELECT * FROM survivor
WHERE profile.unique_id = survivor.unique_id);

There's an all encompassing route but this is the 'easiest' for people to understand and allows you just to remove the clutter out of the survivor table.

Is there a reason you want to do this though?

Also you may need to disable safe update mode in MySql.

I'll give this a try when i get home but it should be ok, maybe someone can confirm first?
DELETE FROM survivor, instance_deployable
USING survivor
LEFT JOIN instance_deployable ON = instance_deployable.owner_id
WHERE survivor.last_updated < DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH);

doesn't work for me.

[Err] 1451 - Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`celle2013`.`instance_deployable`, CONSTRAINT `instance_deployable_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`owner_id`) REFERENCES `survivor` (`id`))