Cleanup all 30min


New Member
Anyone here who knows, how to execute the "cleanup eventhandler" every 30min?
Can i change/add this in server_funktions.sqf ?
Had a Server with 40+ People on it, its laging like hell after 1 hour
thousands of dead bodies everywhere

I Think it's not possible. Because you'll need a server restart for cleanups i think.
Not sure.
I have found that this can be done with a string. That said, with Rmod you get a problem with deployable items not dropping their owner ID upon that players death. So the dead player always stays in DB, and the tent go more and more mental as time goes on.

We have a practical solution. but would depend on the server i guess.
Hi, and i found out, that its something with the recieving and sending of MYSQL querys.

The loading screen was like 5 sec. if only 10 people on it.
If 25+ people joined the Server, the Loading screen is 5-20min
and its not relevant how much is saved in the mysql database...

After a Server restart, its fine..