DayZ Bliss Hive questions


New Member
I created a private hive following the instructions used by this side..
When I log onto the server it got me stuck on loading screen and then the hive reporting gives me this :

Database.MySQLConnection(4296/0): [Trace] Query [0 ms] SQL: select s.`id`, s.`wo
rldspace`, s.`inventory`, s.`backpack`, timestampdiff(minute, s.`start_time`, s.
`last_updated`) as `SurvivalTime`, timestampdiff(minute, s.`last_ate`, NOW()) as
 `MinsLastAte`, timestampdiff(minute, s.`last_drank`, NOW()) as `MinsLastDrank`,
 s.`model` from `survivor` s join `instance` i on s.`world_id` = i.`world_id` an
d i.`id` = 1974 where s.`unique_id` = '5292934' and s.`is_dead` = 0
Database.MySQLConnection(4296/0): [Trace] Query [0 ms] SQL: select `inventory`,
`backpack` from `instance` where `id` = 1974
Database.MySqlPreparedStatement(4296/0): [Trace] Execute [1 ms] Statement: inser
t into `survivor` (`unique_id`, `start_time`, `world_id`, `worldspace`, `invento
ry`, `backpack`, `medical`) select ?, now(), i.`world_id`, ?, i.`inventory`, i.`
backpack`, ? from `instance` i where i.`id` = ? VALUES("5292934", "[]", "[false,
false,false,false,false,false,false,12000,[],[0,0],0]", 1974)
Database.MySQLConnection(4296/0): [Trace] Query [0 ms] SQL: select s.`id` from `
survivor` s join `instance` i on s.world_id = i.world_id and = 1974 where s
.`unique_id` = '5292934' and s.`is_dead` = 0
(4296/0): [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 5292934

How can I fix this error
At first guess maybe it is looking for the wrong instance? Make sure you ran this from the instructions

If you are using a world other than Chernarus, run perl setworld <world_name>, where <world_name> is the name of the world you specified when running
only Problem I have now.. I tried editing the PvP Layout by doing this

perl --password PASSWORD loadout [["Mk_48_DZ","NVGoggles","Binocular_Vector","M9SD","ItemGPS","ItemToolbox","ItemCompass","Food CanBakedBeans","ItemMap","ItemWatch"],[["100Rnd_762x51_M240",47],"ItemPainkiller","ItemBandage","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","100Rnd_762x51_M240","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","ItemMorphine"]]

It doesnot seem to work. When people die .. they have nothing..

Also when I die personally I cannot get back into the game.. the server is saying I have not the correct version.. It is strange I was on it before

Uploaded with
(6640/0): [Error] Error executing |CHILD:101:5292934:1:[RG]Pfc.Stronkie:|Database.MySqlPreparedStatement(6640/1): [Trace] Execute [6 ms] Statement: update `profile` set `name` = ? where `unique_id` = ? VALUES("[RG]Pfc.Stronkie", "5292934")
Ok got the above error fixed.. Does someone know the values what to put in the cust_loadout.frm layout form
I am using a MySQL Database editor..

The Databse file consist on these rows:

ID Iventory Model Discription..

The first I know . it is the ID you gave the user ID to spawn with.. but what is the syntax to put there value's in:

I tried for inventory this


for backback this


Model this :


Description this

Stronkie profile

it is not working

so what do I put in these fields to be able to spawn when I die with :

inventory :

Map , Watch and Flashlight

Backpack :

Painkiller , Flare red

Model :

I do not care
OK guys.. Also this part is fixed.. I am currently busy writing a manual to setup a private hive with all the options.. I will combine a lot that I have found out to that manual..