Dayz Chernarus | GMT +8 | Private Hive | Custom Buildings & Loadout | 100+ Vehicles |


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DayZChernarus - ( [VETERAN CH:ON][GMT +8] Private Hive - Custom Buildings & Loadout | | DayZ.ST
We also have a mumble server that you can join us on. Connect at port 8120. Our website is located at

The time is currently set to GMT +8, veteran difficulty with crosshairs on.

Currently we have 2 barracks at both the NE and SW airstrips, 2 extra barracks at the airfield, a medical tent and fire station in Stary Sobor, a grocery in Mogilevka and 2 fire stations in Berezino. I will be adding more eventually.

At the moment I'm working on changing the loot spawn tables for helicopter crashes so I can include some new weapons, but that's a little further down the list of things I have to get done.

The current starting loadout is as follows (this may change based on popular demand):
- Winchester 1866 w/ 2 mags
- Makarov PM w/ 2 mags
- Coyote patrol pack
- 1 can each of food and drink
- 2 bandages
- Flashlight, watch and compass

Server Rules

- No cheating/hacking
- No exploiting
- No using weapons, items or vehicles spawned from hackers.
- No combat logging
- Absolutely no racist/sexist/homophobic/hateful speech allowed
- Do not over use/spam side chat
- Most importantly: HAVE FUN!