Dayz Epoch Battleye scripts.txt massively changed...?


New Member
I installed Epoch on our server and was very surprised when opening scripts.txt to make the necessary changes for SARGE AI (did that before for and - so I know what I'm talking aboout).

First I encountered two Battleye folders in my dayz_1.epoch.chernarus folder: "Battleye" and "Battleye - copy". "Battleye" did only have a scripts_old.txt, "Battleye - copy" did have a scripts.txt, both are 100% identical. They are also identical to the scripts.txt on Epochs github - Link HERE

This resulted in NO scripts.txt present in my BEC/currentBE folder, just scripts_old.txt was there.

Second they seem to have massively changed scrips.txt - none of the lines to search for is there any more. There is in fact a setFuel line, but it now looks like that:

1 setFuel !"local_setFuel" !"dayzSetFuel spawn local_setFuel;" !"local_setFuel = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \""

So I changed it into:

1 setFuel !"local_setFuel" !"dayzSetFuel spawn local_setFuel;" !"local_setFuel = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"" !"dayzSetFuel = _val;" !"Scripts\kh_actions.sqf" !"Scripts\kh_vehicle_refuel.sqf" !"_vehicle setFuel 1;\nif (SAR_EXTREME_DEBUG) then {diag_log "SAR_EXTREME_DEBUG: Vehicle refueled";};"

For setVehicleAmmo there is no entry at all...

That leaves me very confused...

1. Should I just use the scripts.txt changed like above without setVehicleAmmo?

2. Should I just add the required line for setVehicleAmmo somewhere at the end?

3. Should I use the scripts.txt from

4. Why is there no scripts.txt in my dayz_1.epoch.chernarus/Battleye (and along with that in my current/BE folder????

5. Could it be a problem of my host (Nirado)... unlikely though, as the source on GitHub ist identical with the files installed on the server....

Maybe anyone else has encountered that problem and can give advice, or, even better, could provide me a running Dayz Epoch scripts.txt that HAS the changes for SARGE AI...

So atm I don't really want to run the server without this issue solved - therefor any help would be greatly appreciated...


Got the following message from a member on Dayz Epoch forums:

I posted about this not long after was released but still waiting for news on updated files

Sofar the only responce i got was by emailing awol and his reply was

"Hello Mathew,

You are right this file is not correct, I will see if I can provide an updated version soon.



Im using files as its the best we got at the moment