[oldskool epoch chernarus]


New Member
Hello and welcome to
No i dont need to say all bullshit with how mutch mods whe have installed or somthing NO only what i have te say is this
we have our server gave new fresh look so you can have more fun

We exist in a while, but we noticed that it was not so good with dayz mod version

but we notice that it has become the only major server may persist, the more difficult only

but we continue to advertise our server because !!!

our server 24/7 and well maintained

We do not charge high prices donatar rank

Our admins are there for you 24/7 (even though we have to sleep sometime)

Our teamspeak is simple setup for questions

on our website you will find all the infomation about yourself and your fellow players

Want to play on our server, please check this ips

Server Restart every 4 hours
---- ======== Epoch Chernarus ======= --------
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