
Unfortunatly that does not have the stored procedure used, so i was trying to see if one of the hive codes could publish to the instant vehicle table
I have managed to make my own version of this port from version 1.8a

I didn't use any of the code audio used but i should mention that he did give me access to his code he used.

I'm going to bother any further with this specific version since there is a newer version out already that i can work off of as a base, also i started this when i had a worse understanding of arma than i do now so there might be some sloppy coding in there.

i have wasteland (V2) version 2.9 and am going to work on porting that.

audio your welcome to the file above if you want to continue working on that version.

that file does boot my server and im able to run around and kill zeds, i started to modify the ui but decided to hold off and just make it function as possible, i have disabled the wasteland systems that interfere with dayz.

I'm not 100% if the side switching works as intended, players would change on login to the side they should be on however i think it currently does it also when they are already logged in.

If some one is tring to learn how to mod dayz this is probably worth a look at because i override several dayz files using this mission.

this requires dayz_factions to work.. sorry all my missions will require my mod if they are anything other than small fixes or tweaks.

All content is work of the respective owners, I just remixed what i had put together. this also includes the BTC lift script by Giallustio

I have forked the mission on Github and will be doing my own variant of the wasteland mission in the future for DayZ
If you don't have factions and you recruit NPCs they wont shoot at bandits that became bandits before the server restarted, they also wont shoot at zeds because they are civilian by default.

Then you need to open fixes\patches.sqf and comment out the following lines:
18> server_playerLogin
19> server_playerSetup

28> player_spawn_2
29> player_switchModel

I might shift back to not having factions required but i doubt it because you still need it to make zombies and ai fight each other.

Im currently working on v3 of this that is compatible, unfortunately i might also require factions for that.
If anyone wants to play this on a private server shoot me a pm or reach me on Skype and ill give you the server details. Not saying everything works but if your bored and want to take a break let me know, Server admins/modders this especially means you peeps that never play the game you support
Btw if anyone wants to play this i enabled battle eye and then removed the pw so its open to whoever.

if some one is interested in the mission file, all the changes are in the one you get from the server so go wild.

PM me if the server needs to be restarted because it gets hacked or dies, i'm less reachable but some what also on skype.
