DZE_ConfigTrader = true; removes all trader cities on napf


New Member
Problem solved:
server_traders.sqf in your mission folder/pbo:

// Friendly Building/Parts
menu_GUE_Villager3 = [
    //[["Building Supplies",530],["Toolbelt Items",532],["Vehicle Parts",531]], // this is original
    [["Building Supplies",678],["Toolbelt Items",532],["Vehicle Parts",531]],  

...with CfgServerTrader\Category\FriendlyBuildingSupplies.hpp:

class Category_678 {
    class ItemComboLock {
        type = "trade_items";
        buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar"};
        sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class ItemSandbag {
        type = "trade_items";
        buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar"};
        sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};

Category_678, so I changed server_traders.sqf to match the .hpp file.

Good luck

DZE_ConfigTrader = true;


Running an amazon EC2 instance with a Dayz Overpoch Napf server. Things were working fine before I tried adding config based traders.

I added the following:

DZE_ConfigTrader = true;
to my init.sqf, above this line:

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf";                //Initilize the Variables (IMPORTANT: Must happen very early)

And then I added this:
#include "dayz_epoch_b\CfgServerTrader\cfgServerTrader.hpp"
to description.ext

I also added the files in dayz_epoch_b\cfgtrader\CfgServerTrader\ to the MPMissions folder.

When I load the game up my trader cities have disappeared

When I comment out //DZE_ConfigTrader = true; in the init.sqf the trader cities come back.

Anyone have any ideas?

Update: The traders and building parts around them do load in after a minute or two, which is a lot longer than the usual. The I have modified the FriendlyBuildingSupplies.hpp to add the combolock and change the price of a safe, neither edit appears in game, so I'm guessing its still using database.

Maybe DZE_ConfigTrader = true; needs to go somewhere else in the init.sqf??
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