Editing the map in Dayz


Valued Member!
I've been running an Epoch server for a while now and I always edited the mission.sqm to add custom map markers. I'm putting up a Dayz server and it seems the mission.sqm doesn't have everything it used to. Now it has one line:

#include "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\mission\mission.sqm"

I checked in that location for another mission.sqm but there was none, so how am I supposed to edit the map to include extra markers?
Just pull the mission.sqm file over mission side like you would compiles or fn_selfActions
Like I said, it's not there.
*edit* Found it on the client side of things. It used to be on the server. I've moved it over, edited and will see if it works.
Hey there,

I am struggling with this too. I have looked in the location the link in the downloaded mission file refers to "z\addons\dayz_code\system\mission" but there is no file there.

I copied and pasted the mission file I downloaded from Dayz.st and placed it into the location the link referred to (removing the link that was pointing to the folder). I added in some map marker coding, restarted me server and nothing had changed.

I know I am doing something wrong, but like a complete noob I am not a coder and was used to the old way of doing the coding into the mission file directly and then uploading it.

So, can someone please explain to me where the new mission file is located or as in my case, the file location is empty. Therefore, what do I need to do to create a file to add in map markers and stuff that used to go in the old mission file.

I so hope that all makes sense but if not, I apologise in advance.