Enable Opfor Skins for Survivors


New Member

This is my problem: I host an Epoch Invasion 1944 Server and I want people to play as germans vs the US-AI. It's all fine if I let them play as US vs german AI, but as soon as two or more players got german skins they can't get in the same vehicle. It also happens if I give them skins like RU_Soldier etc. I would say it happens for all Opfor skins.

What I tried to solve the problem: I changed the missionfile so all survivors play as Opfor and not Blufor, didn't do anything.

I don't want people with Blufor and Opfor skins mixed to get in the same vehicle, they should just all be Opforskins. I saw some Threads about not getting in the same vehicle when using Sarge AI, but I don't use that.
The installed scripts are: DZMS, autorefuel, custom debug monitor, custom loottable via missionfile.

Thanks for reading,