Enablling Namalsk Heli Crash Sites


New Member

I was wondering if it is possible to enable to heli crash sites which are found on DayZ, the venom ones on DayZ because it appears they are disabled and replaced with the HeliCrashNamalsk. I found in the server PBO this:

//Spawn crashed helos - disabled in DayZ: Namalsk
/* for "_x" from 1 to 5 do {
    _id = [] spawn spawn_heliCrash;
}; */ //Spawn heli crash

So I removed the /* and in the server logs it appears to only show HeliCrashNamalsk, not HeliCrash.

Any Ideas?
Scotty, to my knowledge you cannot enable the regular heli crashes. I've been trying to adjust the loot spawns for the static crashes, and I can't find the loot table/array they are referencing to in the code.

Namalsk is the hardest map to work on IMO.
Thanks for the reply, I contacted Namalask's creator, he informed me that I needed to change the default wreck to match the per-defined wrecks. The wrecks are now spawning at random points on my server, yet to see if my custom loot has spawned.
Scotty that is great news! If you wouldn't mind posting a step by step for us less skilled coders, I would appreciate it greatly!

Also, I have spent all of last night trying to change the heli loot spawns, but had no success. If you have a breakthrough please let me know!

Glad you got your heli crashes up and running! Cheers!
Yeh, I'll post something later about it, I know they spawn in game because my logs tell me and I've had some go look for it and they found it, they didn't find any loot inside but someone 5 mins prior said that he found some stuff inside a crashed mi8
This is a copy sumraks reply to my question:

Hey Yes, you need to modify your server pbo, spawning function for helicrash sites will be probably still there, so you will only need to add few lines of code in server_monitor.sqf I think.
Anyway, I would recommend you to change the model class of the crashed heli itself (to crashed mi8 - you will need to modify it in server_functions.sqf), because I think my helicrash detection algorithm will detect those uh1 wrecks and wont allow clients to connect to your server

The mi8 code should be land_mi8_Crashed
May I ask how this was done? I have tried editing the server_heliCrash_dzn.sqf with more lines of mi8 crash and another ac130, but they are not on the map? What do I do or where did I go wrong in making them spawn with loot in predifened areas like the ones already on the map? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated or what steps you took in editing your Server.pbo files to make the crashes happen.