Free dedicated server for a clan/public use.


New Member
We are looking for a clan who requires a server with our current installed mod. We are able to adjust the mission settings and plugins to requirements from the clan. We can work with any member of the clan who can script and welcome them to get involved. We can change the server name to advertise the clan name.

We will work with the admin hierarchy of the clan to provide admin tools to those who require them on the server. We reserve the right to demote any admin if they fail to abide by our admin rule. (No person with access to the admin tools will use those tools to effect any other player's game experience.)

If you are interested then post below, send a private message with your message (inc. link of this post) or send a message on skype (simonj110)(inc. link of this post).

Server Description:

Dayz Mod – OverPoch Panthera Server​

Current Server Name:

Falcon Gaming Overpoch |Single Currency|Vector Build Snap|Custom Ai Missions|Safe Zones|And More (​

Server Addons (installed at the time of posting):

- Single Currency system with banking and custom traders with OverWatch items
- Vector Build Snap – More options with base building
- Custom AI Missions
- Smart Heli Lift, Vehicle Para Drop and loading in vehicles
- Spawn Bike
- Custom Loot Spawns
- Remove Clothes
- Remote Vehicle Locking/Unlocking
- Player Client Self Action Settings
- Self Blood-bag
- Trader Safe Zones
- Custom Anti-Hack​
