[Help needed]Anti-Dupe removal


Hi, people have been complaining a lot about anti-dupe not allowing them to pick up certain items (Backpacks, tents, vehicle parts).
I've looked around and haven't been able to find out how, so I tried myself by making a custom object_pickup.sqf (Through a custom compiles.sqf), and edited out the code which does the anti-dupe, however when in game, it is still active..
Anybody else know how to remove this?
It's all in the dayz_code .pbo I remember seeing about three .sqf files with it.
You could probably just edit one and reduce the time/distance another player can't be near the pack when picking it up, or straight out remove it.
The files are object_pickup and object_pickup action, that you should be looking for.
I've already edited the object_pickup.sqf
Looked in the object_pickupAction.sqf, and can't find any anti-dupe stuff in there