How do I make loot spawn when in a Vehicle?

anyone got a fix for this with
_inVehicle = ((vehicle player != player) AND ((speed player > 10) OR _isAir));
is what it looks like now and i've been messing with it but i cant get it to work

try the following code:

_inVehicle = (((vehicle player != player) AND (speed player > 30)) OR _isAir);
Sorry to say, it doesn't work. With or without the speed code.
All it seems to do is make zombies not spawn at all. Even outside the vehicle!

Edit: Ok, the code in post #21 doesn't break anything, but zombies still not spawning when I land a chopper in the middle of a town. Once I get out of the chopper, zombies and loot does spawn.

Perhaps a combination of
_inVehicle = (((vehicle player != player) AND (speed player > 30)) OR _isAir);

if (_nearbyCount < 1) OR (speed player > 30) exitwith {"Nothing close"};

Trying this out now...

I'm sure there's an answer to this!
Well, I got it to work...
But it doesn't work for a heli crashsite. In fact it keeps zombies from spawning there at all. So this won't do.
Well, I got it to work...
But it doesn't work for a heli crashsite. In fact it keeps zombies from spawning there at all. So this won't do.

If possible innuce can you paste your full changes to get this to work so far ive read through this 5 times and done all possible changes several times starting from scratch to no avail so please if you can let us know exact changes

thank you in advance