Increase number of AI at static spawns


New Member
I am unsure of how to increase the minimum number of AI at static spawns.
I would like to be able to set minimums and maximums for each spawn individually if possible.

Any advice would be appreciated.
In your world_map_configs, open the world_(classname).sqf, where (classname) is the map your server is running.

Look for lines that look like this:

_this setTriggerStatements ["{isPlayer _x} count thisList > 0;", "0 = [1,2,175,thisTrigger,[],0,2] call fnc_spawnBandits;", "0 = [thisTrigger] spawn fnc_despawnBandits;"];

The section you're looking for is: "0 = [1,1,175,thisTrigger,[],0,2] call fnc_spawnBandits;" A breakdown of the exact numbers that you'll want to modify:

1 - (1st number) Minimum number of AI to spawn in a group
2 - (2nd number) Maximum additional number of AI to spawn in the group (so far, we have 1 minimum and 2 max additional, so the actual number of AI that may spawn is 1, 2, or 3)

The reason there's almost no documentation about this is that I've already completed a more efficient method of defining static spawns but haven't had time to convert every single config file to the new format that I've made. At this time, only the Trinity Island map uses the improved (but not finalized) format.
I made a few mistakes in my example explanation but everything else is accurate. Hope I didn't mislead you with my earlier typos.
Sorry to ask a potentially dumb question but what is the THIRD number mean?

I'm trying to really understand the ai as I have been playing with adding and taking away spawns for the last two weeks.


If my memory serves me correctly, the third number, 175 in the example, should be the patrol radius in which the AI should be able to walk.
For a complete description of all the numbers, check out /spawn_functions/spawnBandits.sqf and look at the first few rows where variables are being defined. There are 5 required and 2 optional values. And yes, the third number is the patrol radius.